Save Your tooth with Root Canal Treatment

In our dental practice, we're committed to keeping your natural teeth healthy and your smile bright. Root canal treatment is one way we achieve this, especially when there's a deep toothache or infection involved. This page will walk you through what root canal treatment is, why it's done, and how it helps you.

Root Canal Treatment Explained

Root canal treatment is a common dental procedure that helps save a tooth that's badly damaged or infected. Inside our teeth, there's a soft area known as the pulp which sometimes gets infected due to several reasons such as deep cavities, repeated dental procedures, or even a cracked tooth.

The aim of root canal treatment is to remove this infection from the tooth, clean it up from inside, and then seal it up. In the final step, a crown (a 'cap' that looks like a natural tooth) is often placed on the treated tooth to give it strength and restore its normal function.

What Happens During the Treatment?

Usually, the treatment will take one or two visits to our practice. Here's a simplified look at what happens:

  1. Check-up: We first examine the problem tooth and take X-rays to see what's going on inside.

  2. Numbing: We use a local anesthetic to make sure you don't feel pain during the procedure.

  3. Cleaning: A small opening is made in the tooth, the infected pulp is carefully removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned.

  4. Sealing and Filling: The cleaned tooth is then sealed up, and a temporary filling is placed.

  5. Capping: After some time, a crown or permanent filling is placed on the tooth to restore its normal function and appearance.

How Can Root Canal Treatment Help You?

  • No More Pain: This treatment effectively solves the problem of a severe toothache caused by pulp infection.

  • Keeps Your Natural Tooth: Instead of removing the infected tooth, the treatment saves it, helping you maintain your natural smile.

  • Stops Spread of Infection: By removing the infection, the treatment stops it from spreading and causing more harm to your oral health.

Is This Treatment Right for You?

If you've been experiencing a severe toothache, prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold, discoloration of a tooth, or swelling and tenderness in the nearby gums, you might need root canal treatment. The best way to know for sure is by scheduling a check-up with us.

Your Comfort Matters to Us

Despite what you might have heard, root canal treatment isn't more painful than other dental procedures. Modern dental techniques ensure that the process is as comfortable as getting a filling. We strive to make your visit to our practice as comfortable and worry-free as possible.

Don't let a toothache get in the way of your life. If you think you might need root canal treatment, give us a call today to schedule an appointment. We're here to help you maintain a healthy, happy smile!